Danmark Deep Water Energy Storage Reservoir

Are there geothermal reservoirs in Denmark?

Gethermal Energy, 6(1), 1. Mathiesen, A., Nielsen, L.H. and Bidstrup, T. 2010: Identification of the potential geothermal reservoirs in Denmark. Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Bulletin 20, 19-22.

Does the deep Danish onshore subsurface contain geothermal resources?

The deep Danish onshore subsurface contains huge geothermal resources, but only a very limited fraction of these resources are utilized in three existing geothermal heating plants.

How are deep geothermal energy projects funded in Denmark?

The last years deep geothermal energy projects have been funded by the Danish Council for Strategic Research (geothermal energy, project # 2104-09-0082) and the Innovation Fund Denmark (the current project, GEOTHERM - "Geothermal energy from sedimentary reservoirs - Removing obstacles for large scale utilization", project # 6154-00011B).

Does Denmark have a borehole thermal energy storage system?

Furthermore, Denmark has one dedicated borehole thermal energy storage (BTES) system with 48 BHE’s to a depth of 45 m storing seasonal heat from solar thermal in a district heating system. 1. INTRODUCTION

Is there a potential for geological heat storage in Denmark?

The project "Evaluation of the potential for geological heat storage in Denmark" (EUDP, jour.nr. 1887-0017) has recently been finalized and one of the main results of the project is a web-based GIS application for assessment of the possibilities for heat storage in the shallow subsurface.

Does Denmark use geothermal energy?

Shallow geothermal energy (down to ca. 250 m) has been utilized in Denmark since the late 1970's following the oil crisis and is commonly described as Ground Source Heating and Cooling.

Long Duration Energy Storage From Thin Air: Just Add Water

Another take on deploying water pressure for energy storage comes from the Israeli startup BaroMar, which has come up with a simple sounding tank-based compressed air system. The system is ...

Buoyancy Energy Storage Technology: An energy storage …

Electrical energy storage (EES) alternatives for storing energy in a grid scale are typically batteries and pumped-hydro storage (PHS). Batteries benefit from ever-decreasing capital costs [14] and will probably offer an affordable solution for storing energy for daily energy variations or provide ancillary services [15], [16], [17], [18].However, the storage capability of …

Fine-tuning ocean energy storages for reservoir-integrated wave energy ...

The symbol S op is wave steepness determined by deep water wavelength ... The case study utilised a self-integrated reservoir for wave energy storage, using a simple control that was following the load. The extra cost incurred due to the battery which was considered as a capital expenditure (CAPEX). Operational expenditure (OPEX) included the ...

Energy storage technologies in a Danish and international …

Thermal energy storage is already a large and important storage area with a huge installed capacity found in hot water containers in buildings and in district heating networks. About 50% …

Isothermal Deep Ocean Compressed Air Energy Storage: An

Isothermal deep ocean compressed air energy storage (IDO-CAES) is estimated to cost from 1500 to 3000 USD/kW for installed capacity and 1 to 10 USD/kWh for energy storage. ... Langan, S. Comparison between Seasonal Pumped-Storage and Conventional Reservoir Dams from the Water, Energy and Land Nexus Perspective. Energy Convers. Manag. 2018, …

Assessing rock physics and seismic characteristics of the …

The rock physics and seismic characteristics of prospective CO2 storage sites are important inputs to assess the feasibility of seismic reservoir characterization and monitoring of the CO2 plume.

Geothermal Energy Use, Country Update Report for Denmark

thermal energy storage (ATES) in Denmark, all being economically feasible when compared to alternative means of supply. Furthermore, Denmark has one dedicated borehole thermal energy storage (BTES) system with 48 BHE''s to a depth of 45 m storing seasonal heat from solar thermal in a district heating system. 1. INTRODUCTION

Geothermal Energy Use, Country Update Report for Denmark

The deep Danish onshore subsurface contains huge geothermal resources, but only a very limited fraction of these resources are utilized in three existing geothermal heating plants. At the three …

About us

GEUS carries out activities to exploit and protect geological resources in Denmark and Greenland. Primary activities are mapping, compilation and storage of data, research, monitoring and consultancy within water, energy, minerals and climate and environment.

Denmark''s first CO2 storage facility now ready to receive large …

The lead partner in Project Greensand, INEOS, has already applied for approval on behalf of licence partners Wintershall Dea (now Harbour Energy) and Nordsøfonden for Denmark''s first large-scale CO 2 storage facility, and is now working hard to start CO 2 storage in the North Sea by the end of 2025 or the beginning of 2026.

A numerical investigation of combined heat storage …

Heat storage capabilities of deep sedimentary geothermal reservoirs are evaluated through numerical model simulations. We combine storage with heat extraction in a doublet well system when storage phases are …

Storage Reservoir Operation and Management | SpringerLink

Schematic longitudinal cross-section of a drinking water reservoir serving also for flood protection and exhibiting thermal stratification. Several potential technical measures which increase management options are indicated: a pre-dam for sediment and nutrient control, supplemented by an underwater pre-dam serving the same purpose; various options for water …

Hydrogen storage capacity of salt caverns and deep aquifers …

The energy storage capacity (in TWh H2) of each of the structures analyzed and the number of analogous structures securing storage throughput demand in the aquifers are shown in Fig. 5 and Table 13. The variable results of the working capacity translate into the number of structures needed to secure the storage throughput in a given case.

Deep and shallow geothermal energy

Deep geothermal energy; Shallow geothermal energy; Long experience with deep geothermal energy (depth: 800–3000 metres) For many years, GEUS has conducted research and consultancy in connection with the assessment of the deep geothermal resources in Denmark. Often in close cooperation with private companies and public-sector institutions.

Pumped Storage Hydropower | Department of Energy

Pumped storage hydropower (PSH) is a type of hydroelectric energy storage. It is a configuration of two water reservoirs at different elevations that can generate power as water moves down from one to the other (discharge), passing through a turbine. The system also requires power as it pumps water back into the upper reservoir (recharge).

Denmark''s first CO2 storage facility is now ready to …

The thorough technical verification ensures that the stored CO2 remains safely and permanently in the closed Nini West reservoir 1,800 metres below the North Sea seabed, as expected. This is clear after the results of …

The feasibility of high-temperature aquifer thermal energy storage …

We develop a 3D model for a high-temperature aquifer thermal energy storage sys-tem using analysis of geological core data, sedimentological description, geophysi-cal data including well logs and ...

Optimal carbon storage reservoir management through deep reinforcement ...

All deep neural network models are implemented in PyTorch. Reservoir simulations are performed using the compositional reservoir simulator CMG–GEM, hereafter referred to as CMG for short [95]. Each simulation run uses a different permeability realization from the 400-realization ensemble, and the simulation results are saved for every 30 d.